Louise hay en español

Louise hay en español

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Louise Lynn Hay (Los Angeles, October 8, 1926-San Diego, August 30, 2017[1]) was an American writer and speaker, considered one of the most representative figures of the New Thought movement and a precursor of self-help books.[2][3] In 1970, to cope with her low self-esteem, she began to turn to spiritual practices such as transcendental meditation and regularly attended Sunday services, meetings, and Science of Science classes.
In 1970, to cope with her low self-esteem, she began to lean towards spiritual practices such as transcendental meditation and regularly attended Sunday services, meetings and classes of Science of Mind (the Church of Religious Science), where she studied that “thoughts and words are creators of our lives, that each one is responsible for his own experiences and that he can change his life if he modifies his way of thinking, choosing and paying attention to the words he uses.” [10] In 1972, she became a minister and a popular speaker on Science of Mind, as well as beginning her studies at Maharishi’s International University, Fairfield, Iowa.[10][2][2
The word “incurable,” so frightening to so many people, to me means that this ailment, whatever it may be, cannot be cured by external means, and that to find a cure we must go within. If I had surgery to get rid of the cancer, but did not free myself from the mental model that had created it, the doctors would do nothing but keep cutting pieces out of Louise until they had no more Louise left to cut. And I didn’t like that idea.

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Louise Hay’s message is very simple and can basically be formulated in a few words. In fact, the author only needs one of the first pages of this book to present the essence of her thinking. For her the important thing is that we come to understand that what we think of ourselves can become true for us, that we are all one hundred percent responsible for everything that happens to us in life, the best and the worst. Because everything we think is creating our future, that is to say, each one of us creates our experiences with what we think and feel. And this opens enormous possibilities of change because in our minds the only ones who think are us. When we create peace, harmony and balance in our minds, we find them in our lives. From these principles, Louise Hay suggests a way of living that will result in greater self-esteem, a peaceful coexistence with ourselves and others, and the possibility of getting what we want for our lives.

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Louise Lynn Hay (Los Angeles, October 8, 1926-San Diego, August 30, 2017[1]) was an American writer and speaker, considered one of the most representative figures of the New Thought movement and a precursor of self-help books.[2][3] In 1970, to cope with her low self-esteem, she began to lean towards spiritual practices such as transcendental meditation and regularly attended Sunday services, meetings, meetings, and spiritual meetings.
In 1970, to cope with her low self-esteem, she began to lean towards spiritual practices such as transcendental meditation and regularly attended Sunday services, meetings and classes of Science of Mind (the Church of Religious Science), where she studied that “thoughts and words are creators of our lives, that each one is responsible for his own experiences and that he can change his life if he modifies his way of thinking, choosing and paying attention to the words he uses.” [10] In 1972, she became a minister and a popular speaker on Science of Mind, as well as beginning her studies at Maharishi’s International University, Fairfield, Iowa.[10][2][2
The word “incurable,” so frightening to so many people, to me means that this ailment, whatever it may be, cannot be cured by external means, and that to find a cure we must go within. If I had surgery to get rid of the cancer, but did not free myself from the mental model that had created it, the doctors would do nothing but keep cutting pieces out of Louise until they had no more Louise left to cut. And I didn’t like that idea.

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Louise L. Hay, autora del bestseller internacional Usted puede sanar su vida, es una conferenciante y maestra metafísica con más de 40 millones de libros vendidos en todo el mundo. Durante más de 25 años, Louise ha ayudado a personas de todo el mundo a descubrir y poner en práctica todo el potencial de sus propios poderes creativos para el crecimiento personal y la autocuración. Louise es la fundadora y presidenta de Hay House, Inc. que difunde libros, CDs, DVDs y otros productos que contribuyen a la curación del planeta.