Libros de borja vilaseca

Libros de borja vilaseca

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Borja Vilaseca (Barcelona, 1981) es periodista especializado en desarrollo personal y valores de liderazgo. Colabora en ‘El País Semanal’ y en el suplemento financiero ‘Negocios’, ambos de El País. Es fundador y director del Máster en desarrollo personal y liderazgo de la Universidad de Barcelona.

What you would do if you were not afraid

The book that will make believers question religion and atheists open up to spirituality. We are living through an unstoppable historical fact: people believe less and less in religious institutions and yet they are increasingly in touch with their spiritual dimension. And this is because wisdom is being democratized, causing Western seekers to delve into Eastern philosophy. As a consequence of this journey of self-knowledge, a massive awakening of consciousness is taking place. That is, a profound change in the way we conceive of ourselves and relate to life. All the people who have awakened – believers, atheists or agnostics – share the same experience: that what we want does not happen, but what we need to learn and evolve spiritually. That is why coincidences do not exist. This book explains how to free ourselves from the “mental fishbowl” in which our mind remains enclosed in order to feel united and connected with life again, recovering the innate joy that comes from the simple fact of being alive. Don’t believe it: dare to experience it. Religion is for those who are afraid of going to hell, while spirituality is for those of us who have already been to hell. SIOUX PROVERB

Willigis jäger 1/10

Uno de los últimos autores incorporados a la literatura motivadora desde el ejemplo, la metáfora y el análisis es un Borja Vilaseca que ciertamente parece haber llegado a codearse con grandes de la literatura de autoayuda como Rafael Santandreu en cuya sinergia involuntaria acaba surgiendo una variada planificación para el siempre deseado cambio de enfoque hacia el positivismo, la buena energía y el aparcamiento de los miedos.
La cuestión en este tipo de autores es alcanzar ese espacio de lo sugerente hacia el placebo existencial. Pero que todo dependa del propio lector para que la cosa fructifique no resta valor a la obra. Porque aunque todo esté dentro, nada mejor que una buena guía para orientarnos en nuestros propios vericuetos entre las emociones y la razón.
En concreto, Borja Vilaseca se lanzó al ruedo con su primer libro de este tipo gracias a su exhaustivo conocimiento del eneagrama de las personalidades, intentando, desde esa aproximación a nuestra ubicación en el mundo según nuestra “forma de ser”, encontrar el camino de la autooptimización.

The table of one – promo

Reality is neutral, says Borja Vilaseca; and it is true, because everything we qualify as positive or negative experiences, are a creation of our emotional reaction to what happens to us.
You suffer because the experiences that you imagined in your expectations about how things were going to be did not turn out, and it is the ego that wants to make you believe that you can dominate and change the external reality to adapt it to your desires and designs. And that is not possible.
What defines the emotional charge of events is the intention to which I subject it, to classify it and, somehow, want to force it to fit into what I had built in the theater of my mind.
Surely you know that we pay very high prices as people when we want to force events. And we pay it because we insist on wanting to be right and we do not accept the evolution of life, with its flow in a more macro vision, wider than my own navel.
“In the face of suffering, fear, sadness or anguish, ask yourself a simple question: what is it that I am not accepting? The answer will make you realize that the limitation that originates all these unpleasant reactions is in your own mind and not anywhere else.”